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Spinning-Wheel Stories
Spinning-Wheel Stories Read online
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_Copyright, 1884,_ BY LOUISA M. ALCOTT.
Grandma's Story
"It is too bad to have our jolly vacation spoiled by this provokingstorm. Didn't mind it yesterday, because we could eat all the time; buthere we are cooped up for a week, perhaps, and I'd like to know what weare to do," growled Geoff, as he stood at the window looking gloomily atthe bleak scene without. It certainly was discouraging; for the northwind howled, the air was dark with falling snow, and drifts were risingover fences, roads, and fields, as if to barricade the Christmas partyin the great country house.
"We can bear it pleasantly, since it can't be helped," said gentlesister Mary, with a kind hand on his shoulder, and a face full ofsympathy for his disappointment. "I'm sorry for the coasting, skating,and sleighing frolics we have lost; but if we must be shut up, I'm surewe couldn't have a pleasanter prison or a kinder jailer. Don't letgrandma hear us complain, for she has made great exertions to have ourvisit a merry one, and it will trouble her if we are not gay andcontented."
"That's easy for a parcel of girls, who only want to mull over the fire,and chatter, and drink tea; but it's rough on us fellows, who come forthe outside fun. House is well enough; but when you've seen it once,there's an end. Eating is jolly, but you can't stuff forever. We mightdig, or snowball, if it didn't blow a gale. Never saw such a beast of astorm!"--and Geoff flattened his nose against the window-pane andscowled at the elements.
A laugh made him turn around, and forget his woes to stare at the quaintlittle figure that stood curtseying in the door-way of the keeping-room,where a dozen young people were penned while the maids cleared up theremains of yesterday's feast in the kitchen, the mothers were busy withthe babies upstairs, and the fathers read papers in the best parlor; forthis was a family gathering under the roof of the old homestead.
A rosy, dark-eyed face looked out from the faded green calash, a gaylyflowered gown was looped up over a blue quilted petticoat, and a redcamlet cloak hung down behind. A big reticule and a funny umbrella wereheld in either hand, and red hose and very high-heeled, pointed shoescovered a trim pair of feet.
"God bless you, merry gentlemen! May nothing you dismay; Here's your ancient granny come To call, this Christmas day,"
sang Minnie, the lively member of the flock, as she bobbed littlecurtseys and smiled so infectiously that even cross Geoff cheered up.
"Where did you get that rigging?" "Isn't it becoming?" "What queerstuff!" "Did grandma ever look so, I wonder?"
These and many other questions rained upon the wearer of the oldcostume, and she answered them as fast as she could.
"I went rummaging up garret for something to read, and found two chestsof old duds. Thought I'd dress up and see how you liked me. Grandma saidI might, and told me I looked like her when she was young. She was abeauty, you know; so I feel as proud as a peacock." And Min danced awayto stand before the portrait of a blooming girl in a short-waisted,white-satin gown and a pearl necklace, which hung opposite the companionportrait of an officer in an old-fashioned uniform.
"So you do. Wonder if I should look like grandpa if I got into his oldtoggery!" said Geoff, looking up at the handsome man with the queue andthe high coat-collar.
"Go and try; the uniform is in the chest, and not much moth-eaten. Let'shave a jolly rummage, and see what we can find. _We_ didn't eatourselves sick, so we will amuse these lazy invalids;" and Min glancedpityingly at several cousins who lay about on sofas or in easy chairs,pretending to read, but evidently suffering from too great devotion tothe bountiful dinner and evening feast of yesterday.
Away went Min and Lotty, Geoff and Walt, glad of anything to beguile thestormy afternoon. Grandma smiled as she heard the tramp of feetoverhead, the peals of laughter, and the bang of chest-lids, wellknowing that a scene of dire confusion awaited her when the noisy frolicwas done, but thankful for the stores of ancient finery which would keepthe restless children happy for a day.
It was truly a noble garret, for it extended the whole length of thegreat square house, with windows at either end, and divided in themiddle by a solid chimney. All around stood rows of chests, dilapidatedfurniture, and wardrobes full of old relics, while the walls were hungwith many things for which modern tongues can find no names. In onecorner was a book-case full of musty books and papers; in another,kitchen utensils and rusty weapons; the third was devoted to quilts hungon lines, and in the fourth stood a loom with a spinning-wheel besideit, both seemingly well cared for, as the dust lay lightly on them, andflax was still upon the distaff.
A glorious rummage followed the irruption of the Goths and Vandals intothis quiet spot, and soon Geoff quite forgot the storm as he prancedabout in the buff-and-blue coat, with a cocked hat on his head, andgrandfather's sword at his side. Lotty arrayed herself in a pumpkin hoodand quilted cloak for warmth, while Walt, the book-worm, went straightto the ancient library, and became absorbed in faded souvenirs, yellownewspapers, and almanacs of a century ago.
Having displayed themselves below and romped all over the house, themasqueraders grew tired at last, and early twilight warned them to leavebefore ghostly shadows began to haunt the garret.
"I mean to take this down and ask grandma to show me how it's done. I'veheard her tell about spinning and weaving when she was a girl, and Iknow I can learn," said Minnie, who had fallen in love with the littlewheel, and vainly tried to twist the flax into as smooth a thread as theone hanging from the distaff, as if shadowy fingers had lately spun it.
"Queen Victoria set the fashion in England, and we might do it here.Wouldn't it be fun to have a wheel in the parlor at home, and really useit; not keep it tied up with blue ribbons, as the other girls do!" criedLotty, charmed with the new idea.
"Come, Geoff, take it down for us. You ought to do it out of gratitudefor my cheering you up so nicely," said Min, leading the way.
"So I will. Here, Walt, give it a hoist, and come behind to pick up thepieces, for the old machine must be about a hundred, I guess."
Shouldering the wheel, Geoff carried it down; but no bits fell by theway, for the stout little wheel was all in order, kept so by lovinghands that for more than eighty years had been spinning the mingledthread of a long and useful life.
lorious fires were roaring up the wide chimneys in parlor andkeeping-room, and old and young were gathering around them, while thestorm beat on the window-panes, and the wintry wind howled as if angryat being shut out.
"See what we've stolen, grandma," cried Min, as the procession came in,rosy, dusty, gay, and eager.
"Bless the child! What possessed you to lug that old thing down?" askedMadam Shirley, much amused as the prize was placed before her, where shesat in her high-backed chair,--a right splendid old lady in her statelycap, black silk gown, and muslin apron, with a bunch of keys at herside, like a model housekeeper, as she was.
"You don't mind our playing with it, do you? And will you teach me tospin? I think it's such a pretty little thing, and I want to be like youin all ways, grandma dear," answered Min, sitting on the arm of thegreat chair, with her fresh cheek close to the wrinkled one where winterroses still bloomed.
"You wheedling gypsy! I'll teach you with all my heart, for it is prettywork, and I often wonder ladies don't keep it up. I did till I was toobusy, and now I often take a turn at it when I'm tired of knitting. Thehum is very soothing, and the thread much stronger than any we getnowadays."
As she spoke, the old lady dusted the wheel, and gave it a skilful turnor two, till the soft whir made pleasant music in the room.
"Is it really a hundred years old?" asked Geoff, drawing nearer with theothers to watch the new work.
"Just about. It was one of my mother's wedding presents, and she gave itto me when I was fifteen. Deary me, how well I remember that day!" andgrandma seemed to fall a-dreaming as her eyes rested on the letters E.R. M. rudely cut in the wood, and below these were three others withsomething meant for a true lover's knot between.
"Whose initials are these?" asked Min, scenting a romance with girlishquickness, for grandma was smiling as if her eyes read the title to somelittle story in those worn letters.
"Elizabeth Rachel Morgan, and Joel Manlius Shirley. Your blessedgrandfather cut our names there the day I was sixteen, and put theflourish between to show what he wanted," added the old lady, laughingas she made the wheel hum again.
"Tell about it, please do," begged Min, remembering that grandma hadbeen a beauty and a belle.
"It's a long tale, my darling, and I couldn't tell it now. Sometime whenI'm teaching you to spin I'll do it, maybe."
But the girl was determined to have her story; and after tea, when thelittle ones were in bed, the elders playing whist in the parlor, and theyoung folks deciding what game to begin, Minnie sat down and tried tospin, sure that the familiar sound would lure grandma to give the lessonand tell the tale.
She was right, for the wheel had not gone around many times, when thetap of the cane was heard, and the old lady came rustling in, quiteready for a chat, now that three cups of her own good tea and a nap inthe chimney corner had refreshed her.
"No, dear, that's not the way; you need a dish of water to wet yourfingers in, and you must draw the flax out slow and steady, else it runsto waste, and makes a poor thread. Fetch me that chair, and I'll showyou how, since you are bent on learning."
Establishing herself in the straight-backed seat, a skilful tap of thefoot set the wheel in swift and easy motion, and the gray thread twistedfine and evenly from the distaff.
"Isn't it a pretty picture?" said Min to Lotty, as they watched the oldlady work.
"Not so pretty as the one I used to see when my dear mother sat here,and I, a little child, at her knee. Ah, my dears, she could have toldyou stories all night long, and well worth hearing. I was never tired ofthem."
"Please tell one now, grandma. We don't know what to play, and it wouldbe so nice to sit around the fire and hear it this stormy night,"suggested Min, artfully seizing the hint.
"Do! Do! We all love stories, and we'll be as still as mice," addedGeoff, beckoning to the others as he took the big arm-chair, being theoldest grandson and leader of the flock.
Camping on the rug, or nestling in the sofa corner, the boys and girlsall turned expectant faces toward grandma, who settled her cap-stringsand smoothed her spotless apron, with an indulgent smile at her littleaudience.
"I don't know which one to tell first."
"The ghost story; that's a splendid one, and most of the children neverheard it," said Walt.
"Have Indians and fighting in it. I like that kind," added Geoff.
"No; tell a love story. They are _so_ interesting," said Lotty.
"I want the story about the initials first. I know it is verysentimental. So do begin with that, grandma," begged Min.
"Well, dears, perhaps I'd better choose that one, for it has the battleof New Orleans, and wolves, and spinning, and sweethearts in it; so itwill suit you all, I hope."
"Oh, lovely! Do begin right away," cried Minnie, as the clapping ofhands showed how satisfactory the prospect was.
Grandma gave a loud "hem!" and began at once, while the little wheelhummed a soft accompaniment to her words.
"When I was fifteen, my mother gave me this wheel, and said: 'Now,daughter Betsey, it is time for you to begin your wedding outfit, for Imistrust you'll marry young.' In those days girls spun and wove webs offine linen and laid 'em up in chests, with lavender and rosemary, forsheets and table-linen after they married. So I spun away, making allmanner of fine plans in my silly head, for I was a pretty piece, theyall said, and young as I was, two or three fine lads used to comeevenings and sit staring at me while I worked.
"Among these, was my neighbor Joel Manlius Shirley, and I was fond ofhim; but he hadn't much money, so I put on airs, and tried his patiencevery much. One day he came in and said: 'Betsey, I'm goinga-soldiering; they need men, and I'm off. Will you think of poor Joewhen I'm gone?'
"I don't know how I looked, but I felt as if I couldn't bear it. Only Iwas too proud to show my trouble; so I laughed, and gave my wheel atwist, and said I was glad of it, since anything was better than hanginground at home.
"That hurt him; but he was always gentle to saucy Betsey, and taking outhis knife, he cut those letters under mine, saying, with a look I nevercould forget:--
"'That will remind you of me if you are likely to forget. Good-by; I'mgoing right away, and may never come back.'
"He kissed me, and was off before I could say a word, and then I criedtill my flax was wet and my thread tangled, and my heart 'most broken.Deary me, how well I remember that heavy day!"
Grandma smiled, but something shone in her old eyes very like a tear,and sentimental Lotty felt deeply interested at this point.
"Where does the fighting come in?" asked Geoff, who was of a militaryturn, as became the descendant of a soldier.
"I didn't know or care much about the War of 1812, except as far as thesafety of one man was concerned. Joe got on without any harm till thebattle of New Orleans, when he was nearly killed behind the cotton-balebreastworks General Jackson built."
"Yes, I know all about it. Jackson fought against twelve thousand, andlost only seven men. That was the last battle of the war, January 8,1815. Three cheers for grandpa!" shouted Geoff, waving a tidy, as no hatwas at hand.
The others echoed the hurrah, and grandma beamed with pride as she wenton: "We couldn't get news from the army very often in those troubloustimes, and Joe was gone two years before the war ended. After the greatbattle we had no news for a long spell, and we feared he was one of theseven men killed. Those were dreadful days for all of us. My honoredmother was a pious soul, and so was Mrs. Shirley; and they kept up theirhearts with hope and prayer; but I, poor thing, was young and weak, andI cried myself half blind, remembering how naughty I had been. I wouldspin no more, but set the wheel away, saying I should have no need ofwedding gear, as I should never marry; and I wore black ribbon on mycaps, and one of Joe's buttons strung about my neck, mourning dismallyfor my lost dear.
"So the winter ended, and the summer went, and no news came of Joe. Allsaid he was dead, and we had prayers at church, and talked of settin
g upa stone in the grave-yard, and I thought my life was done; for I pinedsadly, and felt as if I could never laugh again. But I did; for the Lordwas very good to us, and out of danger and captivity delivered that dearboy."
Grandma spoke solemnly, and folded her hands in thanksgiving as shelooked up at the picture of the handsome officer hanging on the wallbefore her. The elder children could just remember grandpa as a very oldand feeble man, and it struck them as funny to speak of him as a "dearboy;" but they never smiled, and dutifully lifted their eyes to thequeue and the high-collared coat, wondering if Joe was as rosy in reallife as in the portrait.
"Well, that's the sentimental part; now comes the merry part, and thatwill suit the boys," said the old lady, briskly, as she spun away,--andwent on in a lively tone:--
"One December day, as I sat by that very window, dreaming sorrowfully atmy sewing work, while old Sally nodded over her knitting by the fire, Isaw a man come creeping along by the fence and dodge behind thewood-pile. There were many bad folks 'round in those times; for waralways leaves a sight of lazy rascals afloat, as well as poor fellowsmaimed and homeless.
"Mother had gone over to the sewing society at Mrs. Shirley's, and I wasall alone; for Sally was so stiff with rheumatics she could scarce stir,and that was why I stayed to take care of her. The old musket alwayshung over the kitchen chimney-piece, loaded, and I knew how to fire it,for Joe had taught me. So away I went and got it down; for I saw the manpopping up his head now and then to spy the land, and I felt sure hemeant mischief. I knew Sally would only scream like a scared hen, so Ilet her sleep; and getting behind the shutter I pointed my gun, andwaited to blaze away as soon as the enemy showed signs of attacking.
"Presently he came creeping up to the back door, and I heard him try thelatch. All was fast, so I just slipped into the kitchen and stoodbehind the settle, for I was surer than ever he was a rascal since I'dseen him nearer. He was a tall man, dreadful shabby in an old coat andboots, a ragged hat over his eyes, and a great beard hiding the lowerpart of his face. He had a little bundle and a big stick in his hands,and limped as if foot-sore or lame.
"I was much afeard; but those were times that made heroes of men, andtaught women to be brave for love of home and country. So I kept steady,with my eye on the window, and my finger on the trigger of the old gun,that hadn't been fired for years. Presently the man looked in, and I sawwhat a strange roll his great eyes had, for he was thin-faced and lookedhalf-starved. If mother had been there, she'd have called him in and fedhim well, but I dared not, and when he tried the window I aimed, but didnot fire; for finding the button down he went away, and I dropped on thesettle, shaking like a leaf. All was still, and in a minute I plucked upcourage to go to look out a bit; but just as I reached the middle of thekitchen, the buttery door opened, and there stood the robber, with acarving knife in one hand and my best loaf of spice bread in the other.He said something, and made a rush at me; but I pulled the trigger, sawa flash, felt a blow, and fell somewhere, thinking, 'Now I'm dead!'"
Here grandma paused for breath, having spoken rapidly and acted out thescene dramatically, to the intense delight of the children, who sat likeimages of interest, staring at her with round eyes.
"But you weren't dead? What next?" cried Walt, eagerly.
"Bless you, no! I only fell into Joe's arms, and when I came to, therethe dear fellow was, crying over me like a baby, while old Sally dancedround us like a bedlamite, in spite of her rheumatics, shouting:'Hosanna! Thanks and praise! He's come, he's come!'"
"Was he shot?" asked Geoff, anxious for a little bloodshed.
"No, dear; the old gun burst and hurt my hands, but not a mite of harmwas done to Joe. I don't think I could tell all that happened for aspell, being quite dazed with joy and surprise; but by the time mothercame home I was as peart as a wren, and Joe was at the table eating anddrinking every mortal thing I could find in the house.
"He'd been kept a prisoner till exchanged, and had had a hard timegetting home, with little money and a bad wound in the leg, besidesbeing feeble with jail fever. But we didn't fret over past troubles,being so glad to get him back. How my blessed mother did laugh, when wetold her the reception I gave the poor lad! But I said it served himright, since he came sneaking home like a thief, instead of marching inlike a hero. Then he owned that he came there to get something to eat,being ashamed to go in upon his mother with all her company about her.So we fed and comforted him; and when we'd got our wits about us, Iwhipped away to Mrs. Shirley's and told my news, and every one of thosetwenty-five women went straight over to our house and burst in uponpoor Joe, as he lay resting on the settle. That was my revenge for thescare he gave me, and a fine one it was; for the women chattered overhim like a flock of magpies, and I sat in the corner and laughed at him.Ah, I was a sad puss in those days!"
The old lady's black eyes twinkled with fun, and the children laughedwith her, till Walt caused a lull by asking:--
"Where do the wolves come in, grandma?"
"Right along, dear; I'm not likely to forget 'em, for they 'most cost memy life, to say nothing of my new slippers. There was great rejoicingover Joe, and every one wanted to do something to honor our hero; for hehad done well, we found out, when the General heard his story. We had agreat dinner, and Judge Mullikin gave a supper; but Major Belknap wasbound to outshine the rest, so he invited all the young folks over tohis house, nigh ten miles away, to a ball, and we all went. I mademyself fine, you may believe, and wore a pair of blue kid slippers, withmother's best buckles to set 'em off. Joe had a new uniform, and was anelegant figure of a man, I do assure you. He couldn't dance, poor dear,being still very lame: but I was a proud girl when I marched into thatball-room, on the arm of my limping beau. The men cheered, and theladies stood up in chairs to see him, and he was as red as my ribbons,and I could hardly keep from crying, as I held him up,--the floor beingslippery as glass with the extra waxing it had got.
"I declared I wouldn't dance, because Joe couldn't; but he made me,saying he could see me better; so I footed it till two o'clock, soonforgetting all my sorrow and my good resolutions as well. I wanted toshow Joe that I was as much a favorite as ever, though I'd lived like awidow for a year. Young folks will be giddy, and I hope these girls willtake warning by me and behave better when their time comes. There mayn'tbe any wolves to sober 'em, but trouble of some sort always followsfoolish actions; so be careful, my dears, and behave with propriety whenyou 'come out,' as you call it nowadays."
Grandma held up a warning forefinger at the girls, and shook her headimpressively, feeling that the moral of her tale must be made clearbefore she went on. But the lassies blushed a little, and the ladslooked all impatience, so the dear old lady introduced the wolves asquickly as she could.
"About half-past two, Joe and I drove off home with four fine hams inthe bottom of the sleigh, sent by the Major to our mothers. It was abitter-cold February night, with just light enough to see the road, andsplendid sleighing; so we went along at a good pace, till we came to thegreat woods. They are all gone now, and the woollen mills stand there,but then they were a thick forest of pines, and for more than threemiles the road led through them. In former days Indians had lurkedthere; bears and foxes were still shot, and occasionally wolves wereseen, when cold weather drove them to seek food near the sheep-folds andbarn-yards.
"Well, we were skimming along pleasantly enough, I rather sleepy, andJoe very careful of me, when, just as I was beginning to doze a bit withmy head on his arm I felt him start. Old Buck, the horse, gave a jumpthat woke me up, and in a minute I knew what the trouble was, for frombehind us came the howl of a wolf.
"'Just the night to bring 'em out,' muttered Joe, using the whip tillBuck went at his quickest trot, with his ears down and every sign ofhurry and worry about him.
"'Are you afraid of them?' I asked, for I'd never had a scare of thissort, though I'd heard other people tell of the fierceness of the bruteswhen hunger made them bold.
"'Not a bit, only I wish I had my gun along
,' said Joe, looking over hisshoulder anxiously.
"'Pity I hadn't brought mine--I do so well with it,' I said, and Ilaughed as I remembered how I aimed at Joe and hurt myself.
"'Are they chasing us?' I asked, standing up to look back along thewhite road, for we were just on the edge of the woods now.
"'Shouldn't wonder. If I had a better horse it would be a lively race;but Buck can't keep this pace long, and if he founders we are in a fix,for I can't run, and you can't fight. Betsey, there's more than one;hold tight and try to count 'em.'
"Something in Joe's voice told me plainer than words that we were indanger, and I wished we'd waited till the rest of our party came; but Iwas tired, and so we had started alone.
"Straining my eyes, I could see _three_ black spots on the snow, andhear three howls as the wolves came galloping after us. I was a bravegirl, but I'd never tried this kind of thing before, and in a minute allthe wolf stories I'd ever heard came flying through my mind. I _was_mortally afeard, but I wouldn't show it, and turned to Joe, trying tolaugh as I said: 'Only three as yet. Tell me just what to do, and I'lldo it.'
"'Brave lass! I must see to Buck or he'll be down, for he's badlyscared. You wait till the rascals are pretty close, then heave over oneof these confounded hams to amuse 'em, while we make the most of theirhalt. They smell this meat, and that's what they are after,' said Joe,driving his best, for the poor old horse began to pant, and limp on hisstiff legs.
"'Lucky for us we've got 'em,' says I, bound to be cool and gay; 'if wehadn't, they'd get fresh meat instead of smoked.'
"Joe laughed, but a long howl close by made me dive for a ham; for inthe darkness of the woods the beasts had got closer, and now all I couldsee were several balls of fire not many yards away. Out went the ham,and a snarling sound showed that the wolves were busy eating it.
"'All right!' said Joe. 'Rest a bit, and have another ready. They'llsoon finish that and want more. We must go easy, for Buck is nearlyblown.'
"I prepared my ammunition, and, in what seemed five minutes, I heard thepatter of feet behind us, and the fiery eyes were close by. Over wentthe second mouthful, and then the third, and the fourth; but theyseemed more ravenous than ever, and each time were back sooner ingreater numbers.
"We were nearly out of the woods when the last was gone, and if Buck hadonly had strength we should have been safe. But it was plain to see thathe couldn't keep up much longer, for he was very old, though he'd been afine horse in his prime.
"'This looks bad, little Betsey. Cover up in the robes, and hold fast tome. The beasts will begin to snatch presently, and I'll have to fight'em off. Thank the powers, I've my arms left.'
"As he spoke, Joe pulled me close, and wrapped me up, then took thewhip, ready to rap the first wolf that dared come near enough to be hit.We didn't wait long; up they raced, and began to leap and snarl in a waythat made my heart stand still, at first. Then my temper rose, andcatching up the hot brick I had for my feet, I fired it with such goodaim that one sharp, black nose disappeared with a yelp of pain.
"'Hit 'em again, Betsey! Take the demijohn and bang 'em well. We arenearing Beaman's, and the brutes will soon drop off.'
"It was a lively scrimmage for a few minutes, as we both warmed to ourwork, Joe thrashing away with his whip on one side, and I on the otherflourishing the demijohn in which we had carried some cider for thesupper.
"But it was soon over, for in the fury of the fight Joe forgot thehorse; poor Buck made a sudden bolt, upset the sleigh down a bank, and,breaking loose, tore back along the road with the wolves after him.
"'Run, Betsey! run for your life, and send Beaman's folks back! I'm donefor--my leg's broken. Never mind. I'll crawl under the sleigh, and beall right till you come. The wolves will take a good while to pick poorBuck's bones.'
"Just waiting to see Joe safe, I ran as I never ran before,--and I wasalways light of foot. How I did it I don't know, for I'd forgot to puton my moccasins (we didn't have snow-boots, you know, in my young days),and there I was, tearing along that snowy road in my blue kid slipperslike a crazy thing. It was nigh a mile, and my heart was 'most brokebefore I got there; but I kept my eye on the light in Hetty's winder andtugged along, blessing her for the guide and comfort that candle was.The last bit was down hill, or I couldn't have done it; for when I fellon the doorstep my voice was clean gone, and I could only lie and rap,rap, rap! till they came flying. I just got breath enough to gasp outand point:--
"'Joe--wolves--the big woods--go!' when my senses failed me, and I wascarried in."
Here Madam Shirley leaned back in her chair quite used up, for she hadbeen acting the scene to a breathless audience, and laying about herwith her handkerchief so vigorously that her eyes snapped, her cheekswere red, and her dear old cap all awry.
"But Joe--did they eat him?" cried the boys in great excitement, whilethe girls held to one another, and the poor little wheel lay flat, upsetby the blows of the imaginary demijohn, dealt to an equally imaginarywolf.
"Hardly,--since he lived to be your grandfather," laughed the old lady,in high feather at the success of her story.
"No, no,--we mean the horse;" shouted Geoff, while the others roared atthe mistake.
"Yes, they did. Poor old Buck saved us, at the cost of his own life. Histroubles were over, but mine were not; for when I came to, I saw Mr.Beaman, and my first thought and word was 'Joe?'"
"'Too late--they'd got him, so we turned back to tell you,' said thatstupid man.
"I gave one cry and was going off again, when his wife shook me, andsays, laughing: 'You little goose! He means the folks from the Major's.A lot came along and found Joe, and took him home, and soon's everyou're fit we'll send you along, too.'
"'I'm ready now,' says I, jumping up in a hurry. But I had to sit downagain, for my feet were all cut and bleeding, and my slippers just rags.They fixed me up and off I went, to find mother in a sad taking. But Joewas all right; he hadn't broken his leg, but only sprained it badly, andbeing the wounded one he was laid up longer than I. We both got well,however, and the first time Joe went out he hobbled over to our house. Iwas spinning again then, and thought I might need my wedding outfit,after all--On the whole, I guess we'll end the story here; young folkswouldn't care for that part."
As grandma paused, the girls cried out with one voice: "Yes, we do! welike it best. You said you would. Tell about the wedding and all."
"Well, well, it isn't much. Joe came and sat by me, and, as we talkedover our adventure, he cut that true lover's knot between the letters. Ididn't seem to mind, and spun away till he pointed to it, saying, withthe look that always made me meek as a lamb, 'May it stand so, my littleBetsey?'
"I said 'Yes, Joe,' and then--well, never mind that bit;--we weremarried in June, and I spun and wove my wedding things afterward.Dreadful slack, my mother thought, but I didn't care. My wedding gownwas white lutestring, full trimmed with old lace. Hair over a cushionwith white roses, and the pearl necklace, just as you see up there. Joewore his uniform, and I tied up his hair with a white satin ribbon. Helooked beautiful,--and so did I."
At this artless bit of vanity, the girls smiled, but all agreed thatgrandma was right, as they looked at the portraits with fresh interest.
"I call that a pretty good story," said Walt, with the air of anaccomplished critic.
"'Specially the wolf part. I wanted that longer," added Geoff.
"It was quite long enough for me, my dear, and I didn't hear the last ofit for years. Why, one of my wedding presents was four hams done upelegantly in white paper, with posies on 'em, from the Major. He loved ajoke, and never forgot how well we fought with the pigs' legs thatnight. Joe gave me a new sleigh, the next Christmas, with two wolf-skinrobes for it,--shot the beasts himself, and I kept those rugs till themoths ate the last bit. He kept the leavings of my slippers, and I havethem still. Fetch 'em, Minnie--you know where they are."
Grandma pointed to the tall secretary that stood in a corner, and Minniequickly took a box from one of the many dra
wers. All the heads clusteredaround grandma, and the faded, ragged shoes went from hand to hand,while questions rained upon the story-teller till she bade them go tobed.
Nothing but the promise of more tales would appease them; then, withthanks and kisses, the young folks trooped away, leaving the old lady toput the little wheel to rights, and sit thinking over her girlhood, inthe fire-light.